Polysomnographic Training is the foundation of a successful practice. If you, like so many centers, are having difficulty finding experienced technologists to acquire polysomnographic study services, consider our offer to train new staff. In a matter of weeks, we can train someone with a medical background to acquire high quality polysomnographic scoring at your facility-while you receive the revenue.
We charge a flat-rate $60.00 hourly fee regardless of the number of trainees or number of hours worked. Yes, there are several excellent training schools available. However, when you consider the cost of tuition, travel expense, hourly pay and lost revenue from sending a student or two for off-site training; it is more fiscally responsible to bring the teacher to your facility.
All polysomnographic scoring services training is performed by a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist, on-site, using your equipment while helping you to generate revenue during the Polysomnographic scoring service training process. Training costs are based on a projection of 80 hours, plus hotel, meal and travel reimbursement. An all-inclusive package price can be offered to better meet your budgetary requirements.