Know What Stress Is!

How Sleep Relates To Stress

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Know What Stress Is

Know What Stress Is

By Dan Cogswell, Ph.D. on September 2nd, 2011

Stress is often a contributing factor in sleep deficit. Dr. Cogswell explains what stress is as well as how to manage it effectively. When facing what feels like insurmountable tasks, we may get into a cycle of poor sleep habits which then become hard to break.

Understanding Sleep

Understanding Sleep

By Tim Winchester, RPSGT on September 2nd, 2011

Did you ever wonder what really happens when you sleep? This article explains about the four stages of sleep and the mechanics of hormones associated with the Circadian rhythm. You will understand factors that contribute to sleep deficit and take a short quiz to determine if you are sleep deprived.

Do I have a Sleep Disorder?

Do I have a Sleep Disorder?

By Julie Winchester, RPSGT on September 2nd, 2011

Many people ask themselves this because they have a friend or relative who has undergone diagnostic sleep testing. Do you have a problem and should you see a doctor about it? The fact that you question your sleep quality is probably enough to merit speaking with your physician.

My Sleep Study Story

My Sleep Study Story

By Karen L. on September 2nd, 2011

Read this interview with a real sleep study patient. She anonymously shares her experience using a question and answer format. Her story gives insight to patients who may be scheduled for sleep study testing. It also provides some feedback as to frustrations sleep study centers may need to address.